Liu, Q., Qin, J. (2024) The Role of Ontologies in Machine Learning: A Case Study of Gene Ontology. iConference 2025, Bloomington, Indiana, US.
Liu, Q., Kim, Y., Hemsley, J. (2024) Scientists, but deny science? Climate Change Skeptics Network on YouTube Led by Scientists. iConference 2025, Bloomington, Indiana, US.
Liu, Q., Kim, Y., Hemsley, J. (2024) Climate Change Skeptics and the Power of Negativity. Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), Calgary, Canada.
Liu, Q., Qin, J. (2024) Using Gene Ontology and ML Algorithms for Dataset Design and Creation for ML/AI Modeling. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), Toronto, Canada.
Crooks, S., Appedu, S., Bouazizi A., Erickson I., Lin C., Liu Q., Meth, I., Qin, Y. (2024) Understanding Ourselves in Qualitative Research Through Collaborative Sense-Making. Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Portland, Oregon, US.
Qin, J. & Liu, Q. (2024) Organizing Knowledge through Revealing Data in Knowledgebases. International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference (ISKO), Wuhan, China.
Qin, J., Bratt, S., Hemsley, J., Smith, A.O., Liu, Q. (2023) A FAIR Data Ecosystem for Science of Science. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Hemsley, H., Bratt, S., Smith, A., Liu, Q., and Qin, J. (2023) High Performers Emerged from Data-to-Knowledge Pathways. Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), London, UK. Best Paper Presentation Award.
Honick, B., Owen, H. C., & Liu, Q. (2022). A Metadata Workflow for Digitizing Community Archives. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI).
Liu, Q., & Webb, H. (2022). E-Resource COUNTER Data Visualization from Concept to Reality. ExLibris Northeast User Group 2022, Kingston, RI, US.
Niu, M., Liu, Q., Zhou, N., & Zhong, L. (2022). Research and Analysis on Conservation Education of WAZA Asia Members. Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 43(2), 336-345.
Liu, Q., Wei, Z., Tian, C., Zhang, Y., Wei, R., Zhang, G., Liu, D. (2012). Feeding Hand Preference in Giant Pandas. Bulletin of Biology, 47(2), 51-55.

A hallway of the Library of Congress in Washington DC.